O maior misterio
Recentemente deparei-me com uma situação que, visto que ninguem alguma vez poderá experimentar as duas situações, julgo ser o maior misterio da vida:
Ter um filho ou um pontapé nos tomates, o que doi mais?
Ter um filho ou um pontapé nos tomates, o que doi mais?
acho que vou ter pesadelos esta noite...:)
Unknown, at 1:41 da manhã, janeiro 11, 2006
acho que se contar-mos o factor tempo...creio que doi mais ter 1 filho.
barbara, at 3:10 da tarde, janeiro 12, 2006
factor tempo?
ok...é certo que alguém pode decidir ter um segundo filho...mas haverá alguém, que queira decidir levar um segundo pontapé nos tomates?
...mais uma noite de pesadelos.
Unknown, at 1:15 da manhã, janeiro 13, 2006
creio q aí já entramos no factor resistência..que é sem dúvida maior no sexo feminino..
para já não falar num outro factor..a recompensa..regra geral 1 pontapé nos tomates é 1 reacção a um comportamento negativo...ter um filho é uma consequência de algo bom!
barbara, at 4:28 da tarde, janeiro 13, 2006
This is not something that people sometimes watch in comedy movies and find it humorous, in real life it's a serious offence; some facts(some hidden) about testicle trauma:
-Can cause to rupture or even to lose one testicle, 50Kg of force, not that rare.
-Can cause permanent hormonal changes.
-Can even lead to permanent infertility. Just to mention one study, Wolfram E. Noltan, Endocrinologist from Wisconsin University, proved that testicular trauma is responsible for 17% of all cases of male infertility, and as a result of hormonal changes ALONE.
-Internal scar tissue.
-Problems getting or keeping an erection, permanently.
-Testicle torsion as the result of muscle spasm, it may occur only many hours after trauma, it's a medical emergency.
-In some cases might cause the antibodies to start attacking the person own sperm, permanently.
-The pain can cause the victim to turn pale, throw up, pass out, or even die of heart failure(neurogenic shock).
-Even if not too hard, it will ALWAYS do some degree of permanent damage.
-One testicle may get stuck inside the body, more frequent in boys before puberty.
-Damages to the epididymis, this is serious.
-And MANY other possible physical consequences.
-Some physical symptoms are such an extreme agonizing unique pain that you can not move or speak, trouble breathing, horrible feeling all through the body, pain spreads up too, sickness, weakness, etc.
-Depending on the person and on the situation, it can lead to pos-traumatic stress that may reveal only a year later, and in rare cases to the "sex addict" disorder which is more common in sexually abused women especially if it happened when they were young.
-That can only be used as self-defense on real emergencies when all alone, in order to escape.
It’s not just hitting, in that private place and especially if done by the opposite sex…boys usually feel violated and sexually abused and used, but they will try to hide their true feelings.
Anónimo, at 4:57 da tarde, novembro 08, 2007
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