Dave Matthews
2007 European Dates
Fri / Feb 23 / City Hall / Newcastle, England
Sat / Feb 24 / Clyde Auditorium/ Glasgow, Scotland (malvadinha)
Mon / Feb 26 / National Stadium / Dublin, Ireland
Tue / Feb 27 / Waterfront Hall / Belfast, N. Ireland
Thu / Mar 1 / Manchester Apollo / Manchester, England
Fri / Mar 2 / New Theatre / Oxford, England
Sun / Mar 4 / Teatro Dal Verme / Milano, Italy
Tue / Mar 6 / La Cigale / Paris, France **
Thu / Mar 8 / Offenbach Capitol/ Offenbach-am-Main, Germany*
Fri / Mar 9 / Ancienne Belgique / Brussels, Belgium**
Sat / Mar 10 / Paradiso / Amsterdam, Holland**
Mon / Mar 12 / Columbiahalle / Berlin, Germany**
Tue / Mar 13 / E-Werk / Koln, Germany**
* General Admission Seated and Standing
** Standing Only
Tickets will be available to the general public on Friday, November 17, 2006 (please refer to local information for on sale locations and times). Ticket outlets will be posted to the Warehouse website as soon as the information becomes available.
2007 European Dates
Fri / Feb 23 / City Hall / Newcastle, England
Sat / Feb 24 / Clyde Auditorium/ Glasgow, Scotland (malvadinha)
Mon / Feb 26 / National Stadium / Dublin, Ireland
Tue / Feb 27 / Waterfront Hall / Belfast, N. Ireland
Thu / Mar 1 / Manchester Apollo / Manchester, England
Fri / Mar 2 / New Theatre / Oxford, England
Sun / Mar 4 / Teatro Dal Verme / Milano, Italy
Tue / Mar 6 / La Cigale / Paris, France **
Thu / Mar 8 / Offenbach Capitol/ Offenbach-am-Main, Germany*
Fri / Mar 9 / Ancienne Belgique / Brussels, Belgium**
Sat / Mar 10 / Paradiso / Amsterdam, Holland**
Mon / Mar 12 / Columbiahalle / Berlin, Germany**
Tue / Mar 13 / E-Werk / Koln, Germany**
* General Admission Seated and Standing
** Standing Only
Tickets will be available to the general public on Friday, November 17, 2006 (please refer to local information for on sale locations and times). Ticket outlets will be posted to the Warehouse website as soon as the information becomes available.
siga, glasgow
barbara, at 10:48 da manhã, novembro 10, 2006
vamos, é só escolher o melhor sitio
sniper, at 12:23 da tarde, novembro 10, 2006
ramito, at 1:57 da tarde, novembro 10, 2006
nao acredito!! tou tao contente!! nao aredito!! chica!! melhor noticia do dia!!!OBRIGADA!!!!!!!!
ramito, at 1:57 da tarde, novembro 10, 2006
ainda nao ta anunciado aqui!
mas daqui a uma semana............ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ramito, at 1:59 da tarde, novembro 10, 2006
tenho problemas para sair do país em dias de semana...
para mim era bom... num sabado.
entre holanda e escócia? escócia.
quem me dá a mão?
Unknown, at 11:40 da tarde, novembro 10, 2006
E so escolherem e dizerem-me para onde terem de comparar o bilhete de aviao mas tenho uma certa preferencia para Italia. E claro que se o presidente nao poder, nao faz mal.
Miguel Morais, at 2:09 da tarde, novembro 11, 2006
ja tamos lá
barbara, at 2:18 da tarde, novembro 11, 2006
preferia escocia tambem, vou a inglaterra...num pulo juntava tudo
sniper, at 9:45 da tarde, novembro 11, 2006
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